Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crazy Love Secret

This may be crazy, but in fact I think it is very normal....

I watched the movie Keith tonight.

kickass. (keith)
Its actually quite a good movie

So this movie has just reinforced into me that I want a crazy relationship. I think that is why I was so into Nick.

By different, I mean special to me

I don't want a normal courtship. I want someone who is a stoner or a hippie or is just the complete opposite of me. I want weird and outside of my comfort zone. I want new and exciting. I don't want "normal" I want crazy.  I want someone who pushes my buttons and makes me out of my mind angry, yet someone I can still love.

Sarah Hineds on we heart it / visual bookmark #9961670
I can do this

Hollywood makes a killing on girls like me. Girls who know that they want someone complete opposite of them. I don't want the bad boy knowing I'm the good girl however, I'm more attracted to the slacker who is so chill that he helps me to deviate from my crazy uptight life.

welcome to my kingdom (romeo   juliet)
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone

Now I'm not saying that I want to be the only one addicted to my other half. I need him to need me (otherwise I'll run away)

Yin and Yang

I've often talked about how broke I am and how I have flaws and scars and I need someone to accept them. I want to do the same for him. I want to accept his past and his journey just as fully as he has accepted mine

girl you could shove a fuckin penguin in that shit (eat pray love)
A good book will get me every time!

Both Bob Marley and the writers for Scrubs had it right. I don't need perfection and I don't need all that I think that I do. I will never find a man who meets my qualifications and standards, and yet still is my opposite and someone with whom I will immediately fall for. But I don't need all that...

A Day In The Life Of...
Who would have thought a man named Bob would be this in touch with life?

I Know Something You Don't K-N-O-W
I just need this. A crappy show and loving arms

All I need is him needing me and me needing him. That is how love works. Its as simple as all that. Love is needing (not just wanting) one another, and knowing that you are dependent upon them, and yet still giving your heart to them.

This is what I need... and I need him to need the same from me

So I say I want a lot and I need a lot. I want crazy and I want complete opposites. But really. I just want someone who will push me. Who won't accept anything but the best from me and who will help me to become the best I can be.

That said, I really NEED a man who loves cats

Cutest thing I've seen all night.... the cat, not the boy... ... ... maybe its a tie?

So maybe not 100% opposite from me (;

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