Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Crafty Secret

I don't know that this one is so much a secret. I guess it is since not many people know this about me. The more secret part is how much I'll probably never complete most of these.

I love crafts. I have a list of crafts that I would really love to do. So this secret is about what I want to do with my future... craft wise that is.

Organize and Create / Love the black background and black frame.
Button, Button, Who's got the button?

I mean crafts can be so freaking cute. They can be expressive and if you give them out, they show love. 

However not all of my crafts that I have in mind are as cute. 

Fuck Yeah Random Reblogging
Baby Mustaches!!

BWAH- HA- HA! I am doing this to my child! Now don't get mad at me, I don't plan on torturing my children, I just plan on taking a lot of embarrassing photos of them before they can argue. 

Did you just eat Sofa Pizza?
Baby Burrito

Like this picture! This will be my Christmas card for YEARS!!

Don't worry, I'll also  be a good crafty mama!

Mini Kitchen

I mean I know I can just go out and buy one of these, but this mini kitchen is just so darling! I would rather make one and know that it screams me than buy one.  Maybe my children won't see it the same way. 

I can also be crafty IN the kitchen! (Get it, It was a craft about a kitchen, now craft in it... get it?... okay, so it wasn't actually that funny.)

Ideas for boring days / Fruit with jelly in Recipes for babies, children and adults parties, such as bi
Not really shots so not really implicating!

Look how delicious and colorful this stuff is!! That is one thing I love about crafts... all crafts are colorful. They are so expressive of the individual! And with this food craft, I sure would be expressive (drunk joke.. oh how the mighty have fallen).

One thing I am crafty at is cross stitches. I can cross stitch if I have a pattern so all I need is something that is more expressive of me (less of the flowers and kitties and more something this century!) 

Its-A-Me! Mario!

I love video games!! My family loves video games! So making these crafts are definitely the first on my list, because I think that this sort of thing is what I will give my family for Christmas this year. 

I hope they like crafty me and my crafts as much as I like it.

Our Bartlett : THREE DEE
Yup, that is sure me!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Book Secret

I should say one of the book secrets.  Also, SPOILERS!

I LOVE Harry Potter.
(19) Tumblr (harry potter)
These are my bibles

Like I fucking LOVE it
Las vacas también van al cielo (harry potter,spells)
How I'm going to teach my child the alphabet

I love everything from the Hogwarts school song
Harry Potter and the Humorous Tumblr
Sing it to a funeral march like Fred and George!

And I love the houses
I don't know which I'd be in... I'm smart as balls, but maybe not smart enough for Ravenclaw...
I could be in Hufflepuff where they are good at finding things...

I love the art work
Everything Harry Potter
So beautiful

And I love JK herself
Fuck Yeah Harry Potter!
Such a beautiful, smart, interesting woman

I love poking fun at Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Humorous Tumblr
This is the maddest I have ever been!!!!!

Sometimes the story line is ridiculous
~come along with me~
Pretty much everyone's first reaction!

And lordy do I love their pickup lines
Just a Dream (tom felton,harry potter,pick-up lines)
I would take this deal in a heartbeat
And the mama jokes are pretty okay too
Your mama so whack, the Lovegoods gossip about her

So this blog is dedicated to those who have lived and loved with Harry Potter
Everything Harry Potter (harry potter)
It was truly magical

To those who grew up with Daniel, Emma, and Rupert
One And Only on we heart it / visual bookmark #11763323
Emma said it perfectly

For those who grew up on these books... who learned lessons from them
Everything Harry Potter (harry potter,childhood,diagon alley,platform 9 3/4,hogwarts)
I found refuge in Harry Potter

To those who have cried over JK's words and our friends' deaths
(5) Tumblr (harry potter,deathly hallows)
It will never end

To those who believe in the magic
only I can nyaahh forever ϟ
It will always be real

And especially those who will continue to come back year after year and share the magic with the future generations
derek's stupid reblogging thing
Made me cry!

To all of those who are getting ready to say goodbye to Harry at the last movie premiere on the 15th...
wait for it.....
Fuck Yeah Harry Potter!

To all of those out there who have enjoyed the books in any fashion, this blog is for you. I know how it feels, just remember, its not over and it will never be over. We will be nerding out over Harry Potter for years. Our grandchildren will read these books. Our great great grand children will grow up with Harry. We were just the lucky generation that got to experience Harry when he was brand new. But we won't be the last to be touched by the story and to grow with the story. 

PS. My brother is not one of these people. He is intolerant of my obsession.  
Tumblr (sisters,harry potter,tea)
Not me and my brother, but might as well be.

Man, I love Harry Potter